

For you which are exotic flowers?

"Exotic flowers are simply those that are not common."
Flowers has been used in a variety of ways. Some of them have been used as survival food through the centuries. Our wild flowers need protection. We can do a lot to help our wild flowers. In the forest, we have many species, and many of them are unique in the world.

However, In Victorian culture, flowers were the language of love, for example: white violet meant "Innocence". While today the flowers of the Victorian Era do not have the same meanings.

This is a wild plant  of a tropical climate, it is not very common for some people living in Central America, because its flower is very small.

This plant is called Papyrus, its flower is very exotic, because it is hard to find and grows in tropical climate.

Soil is free and locally available everywhere. It is a plant native to Brazil. This exotic plant is widely used in many countries in America, because of its healing properties that this plant has. This medicinal plant is not common in the world.



Without plants or trees,  people can not live. Do you have trees or plants in your home? Have you ever talked to your plants? You should talk to them and give them love. Everywhere people need the plants or trees. Imagine a planet with no trees.
There are plants or trees in the world to heal the body, because there are living things on the earth. Living things do not need help to move.

"This plants is used in El Salvador to cure kidney and other disease. It is not common"
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